God’s goodness is amazing! He has given healing from the primary, incapacitating symptoms of my Lyme disease through the prayers and generosity of countless friends. There’s no way to tell you how humbled and thankful we are!

The remaining physical battle is with chronic migraines, which were originally triggered by the Lyme disease and may or may not go away. A normal week consists of 6-9 migraines (with no set time of day or duration), and I spend quite a few hours isolated from light and sound. This has been the norm since December 2016, but it is an improvement over the number of migraines I experienced weekly with Lyme disease.

My family and I have seen God’s goodness, love and provision throughout this time, and we continue to learn priceless lessons from it. While we are still pursuing traditional and alternative treatments, our confidence is in God. Healing is an easy thing for Him, if that’s His desire; but He may also choose to glorify Himself through my continued weakness. Either way is fine with us.

With grateful and surrendered hearts we say, “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy Name!”