Silence can be many things.

Silence can be surprise.

Silence can be reflection.

Silence can be awe.

Quite a few people have asked me lately why I haven’t been writing more about what I’m learning from the Lord at this period in life.

My answer is that I’m in a season of silence; but I need to clarify.  It’s not that God is silent—He’s teaching me quite a lot, and I’m trying to journal about the most important themes.

The issue is that those lessons are too green, too fresh, too deep still to see with proper perspective.  Just as I begin to feel like I’m grasping what God has intended to teach me through a wave of trial, God breaks me further and reveals just how carnal my heart still is.

Though I’m trying to mine the riches of testing by making notes about how the Lord is using Scripture in my heart, the lessons of the past eight or nine months (and these eight years) are like standing on holy ground.  Like Job, it is best right now that I cover my mouth with my hand, just to listen to God reveal His greatness, power, and incomparable wisdom (Job 40:4-5).

Seeing God like this is exactly what I have needed, and I am grateful for the suffering the Lord has used as the tool to bring me to this place.  If any of this can be of help to others, it will be a joy to share.

I just have to wait for confirmation that the lessons being learned in darkness are ready to be brought into the light.  Please bear with me.